Thank You For Checking Out Precision Label!

Thank you for your interest in Precision Label. Please take a few minutes of your time to get to know our company and the advantages we offer.

Precision Label was founded in 1986, and has evolved into a leader in the custom label industry. With countless years of employee experience, the company has the professional expertise and vast product knowledge to enable you to furnish your customer with the best product for any particular need.

The companies wide web capacity allows print up to 6 colors, and up to a seventeen inch web width. We can produce labels on rolls, fanfold, or sheets with a full range of size and configuration. We are interested in large, medium, and small orders.

We have set our standards high at Precision Label in order to excel in the three areas which are the most important: Service, Quality, and Dependability.

Please call or fax with any of your label needs or with any question. Dial toll free at (800)-999-0131, fax at (812)-877-4824, email at

Randy Bland